Node Connectivity

There are 91 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Deep Learning Network.

Keras Global Average Pooling 2D Layer 

An global average pooling 2D layer.

Keras Global Max Pooling 1D Layer 

A global max pooling 1D layer.

Keras Global Max Pooling 2D Layer 

A global max pooling 2D layer.

Keras Max Pooling 1D Layer 

A max pooling 1D layer.

Keras Max Pooling 2D Layer 

A max pooling 2D layer.

Keras Max Pooling 3D Layer 

A max pooling 3D layer.

Keras Convolutional LSTM 2D Layer 

2D Convolutional Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) layer.

Keras Convolutional LSTM 2D Layer Deprecated

2D Convolutional Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) layer.

Keras CuDNN GRU Layer 

Fast GRU implementation backed by CuDNN.

Keras CuDNN GRU Layer Deprecated

Fast GRU implementation backed by CuDNN.