Node Connectivity

There are 201 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Flow Variable.

Container Input (Repository Event) 

Receives information about an event triggered by a change made to a KNIME Hub repository.

Data App Deployment Creator Deprecated

Creates a data app deployment on the KNIME Hub for the selected workflow.

Service Deployment Creator Deprecated

Creates a service deployment on the KNIME Hub for the selected workflow.

Version Creator 

Create a new version of a Hub repository item, e.g. a workflow.

Service Deployment Creator 

Creates a service deployment on the KNIME Hub for the selected workflow.

Data App Deployment Creator 

Creates a data app deployment on the KNIME Hub for the selected workflow.


Generates SQL for PMML Decision Trees and Regression models

Molecule Widget (Labs) 

Emits a molecule string in the specified format.

Variable Expressions 

Append and modify variables using expressions.


This node waits for a certain time, to a certain time or for a file event.