Node Connectivity

There are 4973 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Split Columns by Header 

Splits cells in one column of the table into separate columns based on a specified delimiter.

Create Interval 

This node creates a column of type Interval from given bounds and optionally given modes).

Number Formatter 

The node is formatting numbers in the table by adding leading and trailing zeros to provide constant length of numbers in the table.

Split Interval 

This node splits a column of type Interval into its lower (left) and upper (right) bounds.

Range Filter 

Filters table rows by applying a range filter to one or multiple numeric columns

Range Splitter 

Splits table rows by applying a range filter to one or multiple numeric columns

Plate Heatmap Viewer 

Creates trellis of plate heatmaps to explore a set of microtiter plates (High Content Screen Data).

Echo 550 Report Reader 

Reader to import records and metadata from Labcyte Echo 550 reports.

Envision Reader 

Reads result files exported by the EnVision Reader

Example Data 

A repository of data examples