Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Extract Outer/InnerHTML Deprecated

Extracts a WebElement’s innerHTML or outerHTML value.

Extract Text 

Extracts a WebElement’s innerHTML, outerHTML, or textContent value.

Get Cookies Deprecated

Get Cookies.

Page Source 

Get the page source

Table Extractor 

Convert an HTML table to a KNIME table.

Table Extractor Deprecated

Convert an HTML table to a KNIME table.

Table Extractor Deprecated

Convert an HTML table to a KNIME table.

Take Full Page Screenshot 

Takes a full page screenshot of the Chrome-based WebDriver.

Take Screenshot 

Takes a screenshot of the WebDriver, if supported.

Execute JavaScript 

Execute JavaScript code.