Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Variable to Table Row Deprecated

Extracts variables and puts them into a single row table.

Vertica Connector Deprecated

Create a database connection to HP Vertica.

Voted Perceptron Deprecated

Implementation of the voted perceptron algorithm by Freund and Schapire.

Weka Predictor (3.7) Deprecated

The Weka Predictor takes a model generated in a weka node and classifies the test data at the inport.

Winnow Deprecated

Implements Winnow and Balanced Winnow algorithms by Littlestone.

ZeroR Deprecated

Class for building and using a 0-R classifier.

API Key 


Suggest Matching Entities 

Suggests matching Identifier entities based on the query and entity_def_ids provided.

Retrieve Deleted Entities 

Retrieve deleted entities

Retrieve Deleted Entities for a Collection ID 

Retrieve deleted entities for a collection id