Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

PBAC Scorer Deprecated

All in one node that calculates/updates the Prototype Based Active Classification (PBAC) score.

Exploration/Exploitation Score Combiner Streamable

Calculates a combined exploration/exploitation score.

Exploration/Exploitation Scorer Deprecated

Calculates a combined exploration / exploitation score.

Density Scorer 

Calculates density scores given a density model.

Density Updater 

Updates a density model.

Graph Density Initializer 

Creates a density model of a n-dimensional vector space, based on a kNN graph.

Graph Density Uncertainty Scorer Deprecated

Calculates/Updates the density of a n-dimensional vector space, based on a kNN graph. For details see the RALF […]

Potential Density Initializer 

Initializes a density based exploration potential of a n-dimensional vector space.

Potential Uncertainty Scorer Deprecated

Calculates/Updates a density based exploration potential of a n-dimensional vector space.

KNFST Learner 

Learns a KNFST-Model for Novelty Detection