Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Term Co-Occurrence Counter 

Counts the number of co-occurrences for the given list of terms within the different parts e.g. sentence, paragraph, section and title of […]

Term Document Entropy 

This node computes the informational entropy of each term in each document. If a term occurs once in every document, its entropy for each document […]

Chi-Square Keyword Extractor 

Extracts relevant keywords from documents.

Keygraph Keyword Extractor 

Extracts relevant keywords from documents.

StanfordNLP Open Information Extractor 

Extracts relation triplets from documents.

StanfordNLP Relation Extractor 

Extracts relation triplets from documents.

Topic Extractor (Parallel LDA) 

Simple parallel threaded implementation of LDA for topic detection.

Category to Class 

Adds a class (string) column to each row, containing the category string of the document in that particular row.

Markup Tag Filter Streamable

Filters all kind of Markup Language Tags such as HTML or XML tags.

String Matcher 

The node finds for each string in the data list the most similar words of the dictionary list.