Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Dictionary tagger StreamableDeprecated

Assigns specified tags values of specified tag types to terms specified in a dictionary column.

OpenNLP NE Tagger Streamable

Assigs named entity tags, such as "PERSON" or "LOCATION".

OpenNLP NE tagger StreamableDeprecated

Assigs named entity tags, such as "PERSON" or "LOCATION".

Oscar Tagger Streamable

Assigns chemical named entity tags to terms.

Oscar tagger StreamableDeprecated

Assigns chemical named entity tags to terms.

POS Tagger Streamable

Assigns part of speech tags to terms.

POS tagger StreamableDeprecated

Assigns part of speech tags to terms.

Stanford Tagger Streamable

Assigns part of speech tags to terms. Suitable for French, German, English, Spanish and Arabic texts.

Stanford tagger StreamableDeprecated

Assigns part of speech tags to terms. Suitable for French, German and English texts.

StanfordNLP NE Learner 

Creates a StanfordNLP Named-Entity Model.