Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

RandomForest (3.7) 

Class for constructing a forest of random trees. For more information see: Leo Breiman (2001)

RandomTree (3.7) 

Class for constructing a tree that considers K randomly chosen attributes at each node

SimpleCart (3.7) 

Class implementing minimal cost-complexity pruning. Note when dealing with missing values, use "fractional instances" method instead of surrogate split […]

JCBA (3.7) 

A Java implementation of the CBA algorithm

WeightedClassifier (3.7) 

Classifier that weights a set of class association rules

ConjunctiveRule (3.7) 

This class implements a single conjunctive rule learner that can predict for numeric and nominal class labels. A rule consists of antecedents "AND"ed […]

DTNB (3.7) 

Class for building and using a decision table/naive bayes hybrid classifier

DecisionTable (3.7) 

Class for building and using a simple decision table majority classifier. For more information see: Ron Kohavi: The Power of Decision Tables

FURIA (3.7) 

FURIA: Fuzzy Unordered Rule Induction Algorithm Details please see: Jens Christian Huehn, Eyke Huellermeier (2009)

JRip (3.7) 

This class implements a propositional rule learner, Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error Reduction (RIPPER), which was proposed by William W