Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

String to URI 

Convert a string column into an URI column.

URI Port to Variable 

Output the URIs from an URI port object to variables.

URI to Port 

Output the URIs from a table column as an URI port object.

URI to String 

Convert an URI column into a string column.

URL to File Path Streamable

Converts URLs into file paths.

URL to File Path (Variable) 

Converts URLs into file paths.

Data Generator Streamable

Creates random data with clusters.

Create Table Structure 

Creates an empty table (no rows) with a predefined structure (columns).

Extract System Properties 

Reads system properties, including current user name and working directory.

Extract Context Properties 

Reads workflow context related properties, including workflow name and the logged in user.