Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Table Reader Streamable

Reads table written by the Table Writer node.

PMML Reader 

Reads models from a PMML compliant XML file.

Model Reader Deprecated

Reads KNIME model port objects from a file.

Table Reader StreamableDeprecated

Reads table written by the Table Writer node.

PMML Reader Deprecated

Reads models from a PMML compliant XML file.

PMML Reader Deprecated

Reads models from a PMML compliant XML file.

File Reader StreamableDeprecated

Flexible reader for ASCII files.

Fixed Width File Reader 

Fixed column width reader for ASCII files.

Google Sheets Reader 

Read tables from Google Sheets.

List Files Deprecated

Creates a list with the locations and URLs of the files contained in a given folder.