Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

RDKit Adjust Query Properties 

This node allows common adjustments to the matching behavior of molecules that are intended to be used as queries to get better search results.

RDKit Molecule Catalog Filter 

Filters a table of molecules by applying filters taken from a set of standard catalogs.

RDKit R-Group Decomposition 

Performs an R-Group decomposition for an input RDKit Mol column.

RDKit R-Group Decomposition (deprecated) 

Does an R-Group decomposition for an input RDKit Mol column. It is planned to deprecate this node soon.

RDKit Structure Normalizer 

Checks structures and tries to normalize them, if necessary.

RDKit Structure Normalizer Deprecated

Checks structures and tries to normalize them, if necessary.

List Audit Logs 

List user actions and configuration changes within this organization.

List Invites 

Returns a list of invites in the organization.

Invite User 

Create an invite for a user to the organization. The invite must be accepted by the user before they have access to the organization.

Retrieve Invite 

Retrieves an invite.