There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.
Converts the given base 64 encoded string back into the original table format.
Converts the given input table to a base 64 encoded string.
Upload the files in the input paths to the specified network share.
Enumerates sheet names and named ranges (cell reference ranges) contained in a workbook.
Reads a data table from a spread sheet.
Splits BitVector values to individual bits.
Computes the bit vector similarity of one or multiple query fingerprints to a set of data fingerprints. If multiple queries should be used the respective […]
Computes set of popular performance estimations for a virtual screening. The input is expect to be sorted according to the ranking criteria (performance […]
Modification of the Pareto Node to perform as a Desirability Node, following standard Desirability criterion.
This node performs multi-objective Pareto ranking.
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