Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Modifiable Term Filter Streamable

Filters document terms which are set modifiable or unmodifiable, respectively.

Modifiable Term Filter Deprecated

Filters terms which are set modifiable or unmodifiable, respectively.

N Chars Filter Streamable

Filters document terms with less than N characters.

N Chars Filter Deprecated

Filters terms consisting of less than N characters.

Number Filter Streamable

Filters document terms consisting of digits.

Number Filter Deprecated

Filters term consisting of numbers.

Oscar Filter Deprecated

Filters terms with certain chemical named entity tags.

POS Filter Deprecated

Filters terms with certain POS tags.

Pharma Filter Deprecated

Filters terms with certain Pharma tags.

Porter Stemmer Streamable

Stems documents terms with the Porter Stemmer algorithm.