Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

PNG Image to ImgPlus StreamableDeprecated

Converts a PNG Image (PNGImageValue) to an ImgPlus (ImgPlusCell of KNIME Image Processing).

Rotation 2D Streamable

Rotates two dimensions of an image.

Splitter Deprecated

Splitter (uncropped) Streamable

Splits images in lower dimensional parts.

Apply Color Settings To Labels 

Assigns a color table given by a table with labelings to a labeling.

Cell Clump Splitter (Deprecated) Streamable

Splits cell clumps

Connected Component Analysis Streamable

Identifies connected components in an image.

Contour Detector (deprecated) 

Detects nearly convex structures from a 'probability image'. (Deprecation: Will be replaced in future release!).

Extract Outline Labeling Streamable

Extracts the inner outlines of a given labeling.