Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Python Script (1⇒1) Deprecated

Allows execution of a Python script in a local Python installation.

Python Script (1⇒2) Deprecated

Allows execution of a Python script in a local Python installation.

Python Script (2⇒1) Deprecated

Allows execution of a Python script in a local Python installation.

Python Script (2⇒2) Deprecated

Allows execution of a Python script in a local Python installation.

Python View Deprecated

Allows execution of a Python script in a local Python installation.

Python Learner Deprecated

Allows execution of a Python script in a local Python installation.

Python Predictor Deprecated

Allows execution of a Python script in a local Python installation.

Table to Spark Streamable

Creates a Spark DataFrame/RDD from the KNIME data table.

Table to Spark StreamableDeprecated

Creates a Spark DataFrame/RDD from the KNIME data table.

Spark Pivot 

Pivots and groups the given Spark DataFrame/RDD by the selected columns for pivoting and grouping. Also performs aggregations for each pivot value.