Call Local Workflow (Row Based)

This node can be used to call other workflows in in your local workspace. Input data can be passed to Quickform Input nodes (only the new input nodes, e.g Container Input (JSON)) in the other workflow and results can likewise be read back as a JSON value from JSON Output nodes(e.g Container Output (JSON)). The input can either be a static JSON values provided via the dialog (which itself can be overridden by a flow variable) or from a JSON column in the input table. The node will call the other workflow with every row of the input table and append the results of the call to it.
Note that the workflow you are calling must not be opened in an editor in your workbench and that the workflow can not be executed in parallel. This means that multiple Call Local Workflow nodes using the same called workflow will execute sequentially.


Workflow path
The path to the workflow you want to call. The path can either be absolute to the local workspace if it starts with a slash or relative to the current workflow if it does not start with slash. You can also use paths relative to the current workflow, e.g ../Called Workflow. You may also use an URL with the knime-protocol pointing to a local resource (e.g. knime://TeamspaceMount/Workflow).
Create Report
If checked the report associated with the called workflow will be generated and put into the output table. The format can be chosen in the drop-down. The output table will contain a column containing the binary content of the report (column type: binary object); the column can be further processed, e.g. use a "Binary Objects to Files" node to write the content to a file, or use a database writer to write the report as BLOB into a database. Failures to generate the report (for instance, because no report is attached to the workflow) will result in a missing cell.
Use Fully Qualified Name for Input and Output Parameters
If checked, use the full parameter name to select the input and output. The parameter names are defined by the user in the configuration dialog of each of the parameters (like JSON In/Output node), e.g. "timeout", "count", etc. Using these 'simple names' may lead to duplicates, hence a 'fully qualified name' is constructed by appending a suffix, e.g. "timeout-1" or "count-5:6". While these suffixes guarantee unique parameter names across one workflow they may cause names not to match in case you call out to different workflows (e.g. in a loop). It's good practice to (manually) ensure that parameter names in the called workflow are unique and hence often the 'simple name' is sufficient (= do not check the box).
After you have loaded the input format you will see an input block for every input node in the called workflow. You can select if you want to use a static value or the value of a column for the respective input field or use the default value (that is the value that is set up in the workflow being called).

Input Ports

Any input, possibly with JSON column.

Output Ports

Output of workflow call


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