
This node takes three pieces of information from the user, specifically the minimum m/z value, the maximum m/z value. and the bin width. This information is then used to fit the incoming data into these bins of the specified width, such that the incoming data is between the minimum and maximum inclusively. Specifically, all m/z outside of the specified range are essentially 'chopped off' of the dataset.


Minimum m/z
This is the minimum m/z that we bin from, all data less than this is 'chopped off' and thus is no longer considered.
Maximum m/z
This is the minimum m/z that we bin from, all data less than this is 'chopped off' and thus is no longer considered.
Bin Width
This refers to the bin width of all bins. If the bin is larger, we can expect more m/z to fit into it and thus it will get larger values.

Input Ports

The incoming data should contain rows spectra m/z values.
The incoming data should contain rows spectra intensity values.

Output Ports

The outgoing data consists of the rows of rebinned spectra m/z values.
The outgoing data consists of the rows of rebinned spectra Intensity values.

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