

Neighborgram & Parallel Universe algorithms

This category contains 7 nodes.

NG Construct (beta) 

Generator for Neighborgram data structure; suitable for further processing with NG Visual Clustering node.

NG Construct&View 

Generator and Viewer for Neighborgrams

NG Learner (beta) 

Learns a classification model based on Neighborgrams.

NG Predictor (beta) 

Predictor node for Neighborgram classification model.

NG Visual Clusterer (beta) 

Interactive clusterer for neighborgrams, which were constructed with the NG Construct node.

Universe Marker 

Defines universes (i.e. descriptors) for processing in Neighborgrams or Fuzzy CU Means.

Universe Marker (Apply) 

Applies universe definition as given from Universe Marker node.