

This category contains 36 nodes.

Google Sheets Appender 

Appends a new sheet to an existing spreadsheet in Google Sheets.

Google Sheets Updater 

This node updates values in an existing sheet.

Google Sheets Writer 

This node writes the input data table to a new Google Sheets spreadsheet.

Image Writer (Port) 

Writes a image port object to a file.

Image Writer (Port) Deprecated

Writes a image port object to a file.

Image Writer (Table Column) Deprecated

Writes all in a column images to a directory.

Image Writer (Table) Streamable

Writes all images from a specific column to a directory.

Model Writer Deprecated

Writes KNIME model port objects to a file.

Model Writer 

Writes KNIME model port objects to a file.

ORC Writer Streamable

Writes KNIME Table into a ORC File