
Manipulation (legacy)

This category contains 13 nodes.

Database Apply-Binner (legacy) 

This node allows to group numeric data in intervals - called bins.

Database Auto-Binner (legacy) 

This node allows to group numeric data in intervals - called bins.

Database Column Filter (legacy) 

The Database Column Filter allows columns to be excluded from the input table database table.

Database Column Rename (legacy) 

Enables you to rename database column names.

Database GroupBy (legacy) 

The Database GroupBy allows to group by the selected columns and output aggregated data to the generated groups.

Database Joiner (legacy) 

Joins two database tables

Database Numeric-Binner (legacy) 

Group values of numeric columns categorized string type.

Database Pivot (legacy) 

The Database Pivot node allows to pivot and group the input table by the selected columns for pivoting and grouping; enhanced by column aggregations.

Database Query (legacy) 

Modifies the input SQL query from a incoming database connection.

Database Row Filter (legacy) 

The Database Row Filter allows to filter rows from database table.