

Fingerprint nodes

This category contains 9 nodes.

Fingerprint Reader (deprecated) Deprecated

Node to read fingerprints from a FPS file into an output table.

Fingerprint Writer (deprecated) Deprecated

Node to write fingerprints from an input table to a FPS file.

RDKit Count-Based Fingerprint Streamable

Generates hashed count-based fingerprints for an input RDKit Mol column.

RDKit Diversity Picker 

Picks diverse rows.

RDKit Fingerprint Streamable

Generates hashed bit-based fingerprints for an input RDKit Mol column.

RDKit Fingerprint Reader Deprecated

Node to read fingerprints from a FPS file into an output table.

RDKit Fingerprint Reader 

Node to read fingerprints from a FPS file into an output table.

RDKit Fingerprint Writer Deprecated

Node to write fingerprints from an input table to an FPS file.

RDKit Fingerprint Writer 

Node to write fingerprints from an input table to an FPS file.