
Spatial Conversion

Nodes that convert between various geometric and textual representations, or apply geocoding operations, and extract metadata from geometries.

This category contains 10 nodes.


Geocodes the given addresses.

GeoJSON to Geometry 

Converts the input GeoJSON column to a geometry column.

Geometry to GeoJSON 

Converts the input geometry column to a Well-known-binary (WKB) column.

Geometry to Lat/Long 

Extracts the latitude and longitude.

Geometry to Metadata 

This node extracts metadata e.g. the [CRS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spatial_reference_system)

Geometry to WKT 

Converts the input geometry column to a Well-known-text (WKT) column.

IP to Geometry 

Geocodes the given IP addresses.

Lat/Lon to Geometry 

Converts the given latitude and longitude column to a geometric point column.

Reverse Geocoding 

Reverse geocodes the given geometries.

WKT to Geometry 

Converts the input Well-known-text (WKT) column to a geometry column.