Unzip Files Deprecated

Unzips files from a zip file.

List Files/Folders Streamable

List files and/or folders contained in the selected folder.

Triple File Reader Streamable

This node writes triples stored in a file into a Data Table.

Files/Folders Meta Info 

Adds meta information about files/folders to the table.

File Meta Info (legacy) 

Add meta information about a file to the table.

Retrieve File 

Returns information about a specific file.

Create File Name (legacy) 

Create a new file name as flow variable

File Reader StreamableDeprecated

Flexible reader for ASCII files.

List Files 

Returns a list of files that belong to the user's organization.

Databricks File System Connection (legacy) 

Configures a connection to the Databricks File System (DBFS) of a Databricks deployment.