Slice Loop End 

Collects slices of Slice Loop Start and recombines them to images / labelings.

Global Thresholder (Deprecated) Streamable

A threshold is determined manually or calculated automatically to threshold the image.

Global Thresholder (deprecated) StreamableDeprecated

A threshold is determined manually or calculated automatically to threshold the image.

Maximum Finder Streamable

Find local maxima on an n-dimensional image.

Morphological Image Operations Streamable

Performs morphological operations on images.

Trim Image Whitespace Streamable

Trim a PNG image by removing surrounding white space.

Binary Image Operations Streamable

Combines two binary images with AND, OR or XOR.

Dimension Swapper Streamable

Node to swap the dimensions of an image.

Image Parameter Adjuster 

Allows one do adjust image parameters manually, stored as flow variables.