


Challenge 27: Exploring World Cup Datasets
Level: Medium

Description: We explore World Cup datasets in this challenge, with the goal of seeing how many games under FIFA were played between different confederations in the last year (between 2021-2022). We have two files, results.csv and shootouts.csv, from which we need the year when the games were played. We also have a third file, teams.xlsx, detailing teams and to which confederation they belong. The output table should look something like this
AFC 34 67 89
UEFA 67 65 12
CONCACAF 89 12 36

This challenge is based on this blog post.

Author: Sanket Joshi

Dataset: World Cup Data in the KNIME Hub

Combination of the confederations (notpermutation) for creating symmetrical table resultshootoutsteamsNode 4Aggregatethe numberof gamesbetween leagues.Node 12Node 14between 2021-01-01 and 2022-12-31Assignconfederation namesto home_teamsAssignconfederation namesto away_teamsGuam is duplicatedmissing > 0Node 21Node 22Node 29List(sorted)Node 34Group bysplitt1 and split2sum the number of games Swap split1 and split2Node 37Node 38CSV Reader CSV Reader Excel Reader Joiner GroupBy Pivoting String to Date&Time Date&Time-basedRow Filter Joiner Joiner DuplicateRow Filter Missing Value Table View CSS Editor Column Rename Column Aggregator Split CollectionColumn GroupBy Column Rename Concatenate Column Rename Combination of the confederations (notpermutation) for creating symmetrical table resultshootoutsteamsNode 4Aggregatethe numberof gamesbetween leagues.Node 12Node 14between 2021-01-01 and 2022-12-31Assignconfederation namesto home_teamsAssignconfederation namesto away_teamsGuam is duplicatedmissing > 0Node 21Node 22Node 29List(sorted)Node 34Group bysplitt1 and split2sum the number of games Swap split1 and split2Node 37Node 38CSV Reader CSV Reader Excel Reader Joiner GroupBy Pivoting String to Date&Time Date&Time-basedRow Filter Joiner Joiner DuplicateRow Filter Missing Value Table View CSS Editor Column Rename Column Aggregator Split CollectionColumn GroupBy Column Rename Concatenate Column Rename


