
6. Simple Regression Tree

Model Training for Simple Regression TreeThis workflow demonstrates how a Simple Regression Tree Model is built and applied to new data.Task Predict the number of mosquitoes found on the basis of species and trap type. Data ReadingRead the new file 'westnilevirus.csv'created after data preprocessing. It contains:1. Trap Type2. Number of Mosquitoes3. Species4. Test Results Data PartitioningCreate two separate partitionsfrom original data set1. training set (80%) 2. test set (20%). Train a ModelThis node builds a simple regressiontree model. Most Learner nodesoutput a PMML model (blue squareoutput port). Apply the ModelPredictor nodes apply a specificmodel to a data set and append themodel predictions. Score the ModelProvide with the Accuracy ofRegression in the form of RSquare training set test set Interactive TableDisplay table of the entire data Reading westnilevirus.csvRandom drawing 80% upper port20% lower portShow entire data as tableTarget Class= Number of MosquitoesApply the trained modelfor predictionRegression Accuracy File Reader Partitioning InteractiveTable (local) Simple RegressionTree Learner Simple RegressionTree Predictor Numeric Scorer Model Training for Simple Regression TreeThis workflow demonstrates how a Simple Regression Tree Model is built and applied to new data.Task Predict the number of mosquitoes found on the basis of species and trap type. Data ReadingRead the new file 'westnilevirus.csv'created after data preprocessing. It contains:1. Trap Type2. Number of Mosquitoes3. Species4. Test Results Data PartitioningCreate two separate partitionsfrom original data set1. training set (80%) 2. test set (20%). Train a ModelThis node builds a simple regressiontree model. Most Learner nodesoutput a PMML model (blue squareoutput port). Apply the ModelPredictor nodes apply a specificmodel to a data set and append themodel predictions. Score the ModelProvide with the Accuracy ofRegression in the form of RSquare training set test set Interactive TableDisplay table of the entire data Reading westnilevirus.csvRandom drawing 80% upper port20% lower portShow entire data as tableTarget Class= Number of MosquitoesApply the trained modelfor predictionRegression Accuracy File Reader Partitioning InteractiveTable (local) Simple RegressionTree Learner Simple RegressionTree Predictor Numeric Scorer


