
Calculating Annually Recurring Revenue

This workflow calculates the ARR from contracts data. The first step is to calculate the recurring values in each month based on the contract period and contract value. The second step is to calculate the ARR. The third step is to visualize it. Here we show three different ways for calculating and visualizing the ARR:
1. calculating the total ARR in each month and visualizing it in a line plot
2. calculating the total ARR in each month and year, and comparing the years in a line plot
3. calculating the total ARR in a selected month, e.g. the current month

URL: Seeing the Forest for the Trees - Cohort Analysis http:///blog/seeing-the-forest-for-the-trees-cohort-analysis
URL: Measure and Monitor ARR in Two Steps https://www.knime.com/blog/measure-and-monitor-arr-in-2-steps


