

Extract Transform Load Session 1 ETL Processing IExercise 01.2 Extract S3 data&Blend 2.1 Access from the Amazon S3data lake, validate, clean, andstandardize the Europecustomers data1. Provide the Access Key ID and Secret Key2. Open the component to find the instructions 2.2 BlendUse the Concatenate node toblend the customer data fromdifferent branches ExercisesAll the tasks can be found in the yellow annotations and the yellow components.Make sure you have executed the 00_Setup_PostgreSQL_Database workflow before running this workflow. Blend the data fromdifferent sources Concatenate Data AccessUS Customers Data AccessEurope Customers Extract Transform Load Session 1 ETL Processing IExercise 01.2 Extract S3 data&Blend 2.1 Access from the Amazon S3data lake, validate, clean, andstandardize the Europecustomers data1. Provide the Access Key ID and Secret Key2. Open the component to find the instructions 2.2 BlendUse the Concatenate node toblend the customer data fromdifferent branches ExercisesAll the tasks can be found in the yellow annotations and the yellow components.Make sure you have executed the 00_Setup_PostgreSQL_Database workflow before running this workflow. Blend the data fromdifferent sources Concatenate Data AccessUS Customers Data AccessEurope Customers


