Multiple conditional density plots

Discover relationships between numeric variables and a categorical target variable

Conditional density plots are drawn. Select one to eight numeric columns at a time. Selecting columns more than eight generates no error but plots are displayed only for first eight columns. Input is a Knime dataframe.
Density plots are subsetted (or grouped by) a string variable (also to be selected from the dataset). For better results, first normalize input data. It is also advisable to shuffle the data before feeding here.

R packages required are ggplot2, grid and gridExtra.


Select cols for which density plots are desired. Select max of 8 columns at a time.
Categorical column
Should be a string column
Overall title
Title of all the graphs

Input Ports

Input is a dataset, say, from csv file reader. May contain any data types.

Output Ports

Depending upon how many columns have been selected, displays density plots. Maximum limit is eight.


