

List Images from a Wikipedia Article using Webpage Retriever

This example workflow shows how the Webpage Retriever node can be used to create a list of images retrieved from the Wikipedia article page of a user-specified name.

Note: The example workflow works for English article names only as it queries en.wikipedia.org. Also, the name needs to be provided exactly in the way it appears in the Wikipedia URL. E.g., for Machine Learning you would have to use Machine_Learning.

You need an active internet connection to be able to successfully execute the workflow.

Retrieve article pageCreate Wikipediaarticle URLCreate title forthe result viewWebpage Retriever Table View String Manipulation(Variable) String Manipulation(Variable) Extract Images Add WikipediaArticle Name Retrieve article pageCreate Wikipediaarticle URLCreate title forthe result viewWebpage Retriever Table View String Manipulation(Variable) String Manipulation(Variable) Extract Images Add WikipediaArticle Name


