

Topic Modeling on PubMeb Documents related to preselected diseases.This workflow demonstrates the use of open-source KNIME Analytics Platform for topic modeling based onextracted documents from PubMed. Select Data Pull Data from PubMed Preprocessing Topic modeling Reducing dimensionality & Assigning Colors Inspect Topics & Terms Tag Cloud Action needed!Select a topic of interestThis node accesses PubMed several times.It needs internet connection and it might take some time to fully execute!Action needed!Select disease(s) Topic Extractor(Parallel LDA) Color Manager Joiner Interactivevisualization Tagging Create Corpusfrom PubMed Preprocessdocuments Select_diseases t-SNE (L. Jonsson) Topic Modeling on PubMeb Documents related to preselected diseases.This workflow demonstrates the use of open-source KNIME Analytics Platform for topic modeling based onextracted documents from PubMed. Select Data Pull Data from PubMed Preprocessing Topic modeling Reducing dimensionality & Assigning Colors Inspect Topics & Terms Tag Cloud Action needed!Select a topic of interestThis node accesses PubMed several times.It needs internet connection and it might take some time to fully execute!Action needed!Select disease(s) Topic Extractor(Parallel LDA) Color Manager Joiner Interactivevisualization Tagging Create Corpusfrom PubMed Preprocessdocuments Select_diseases t-SNE (L. Jonsson)


