
2. DateTime_​Manipulation_​2

Date Time Manipulation 2
Workflow: DateTime Manipulation_2 In this workflow we use some more Date&Time manipulation nodes and plotthe results: - Extracting data rows falling in a time window (Date&Time-based Row Filter) - Extracting fields (day, year, hour, etc...) from Date&Time columns - Calculating a time difference with DateTime value in previous row - Moving Average and Moving Aggregation - FFT Moving Average and Moving Aggregation Date&Time Operations year=2010count rows by weekdaynumber ofmonths >12center simplemoving average on quantity(window length = 11)cumulative sumof amountsales.csvplot amount by dateplot cumulative sumof amount by dateconvert sale dateinto a DateTime objectextract year, month, dayday of weekfilter rows between01.01.2009 and01.01.2010number ofmonths to todaytime difference in #days with value in previous rowplot amountby datesort dateascendingcolor mapNode 54 Row Filter GroupBy Row Filter Moving Average Moving Aggregation File Reader Line Plot Line Plot String to Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields Date&Time-basedRow Filter Date&TimeDifference Date&TimeDifference Line Plot Sorter Table Creator Color Manager Workflow: DateTime Manipulation_2 In this workflow we use some more Date&Time manipulation nodes and plotthe results: - Extracting data rows falling in a time window (Date&Time-based Row Filter) - Extracting fields (day, year, hour, etc...) from Date&Time columns - Calculating a time difference with DateTime value in previous row - Moving Average and Moving Aggregation - FFT Moving Average and Moving Aggregation Date&Time Operations year=2010count rows by weekdaynumber ofmonths >12center simplemoving average on quantity(window length = 11)cumulative sumof amountsales.csvplot amount by dateplot cumulative sumof amount by dateconvert sale dateinto a DateTime objectextract year, month, dayday of weekfilter rows between01.01.2009 and01.01.2010number ofmonths to todaytime difference in #days with value in previous rowplot amountby datesort dateascendingcolor mapNode 54 Row Filter GroupBy Row Filter Moving Average Moving Aggregation File Reader Line Plot Line Plot String to Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields Date&Time-basedRow Filter Date&TimeDifference Date&TimeDifference Line Plot Sorter Table Creator Color Manager


