

Exercise 2: Join and ConcatenateIn this exercise you combine data by concatenating and joining tables. 1) Concatenate customer information data from the two different systems into one table 1.1 Convert the "Newsletter" column from number to string in the table from the system 1 (Number to String node) 1.2 Concatenate the customer data from the two systems (Concatenate node) 3) Add the store location information to each purchase in a store based on the StoreID (Joiner node) Customer InformationSystem 1Transactions StoreStore InformationCustomer InformationSystem 2 File Reader Table Reader Excel Reader (XLS) Table Reader Exercise 2: Join and ConcatenateIn this exercise you combine data by concatenating and joining tables. 1) Concatenate customer information data from the two different systems into one table 1.1 Convert the "Newsletter" column from number to string in the table from the system 1 (Number to String node) 1.2 Concatenate the customer data from the two systems (Concatenate node) 3) Add the store location information to each purchase in a store based on the StoreID (Joiner node) Customer InformationSystem 1Transactions StoreStore InformationCustomer InformationSystem 2 File Reader Table Reader Excel Reader (XLS) Table Reader


