

KBL: Chapter 3 Exercise3
Workflow: Chapter 3/Exercise 3 This is a data visualization exercise.- workclass bar chart no color with Bar Chart node- age histogram with colors with Javascript based Bar Chart node with 10age bins: Female -> red and male -> blue- Scatter plot of age vs. hours/week B/W workclass Bar Chart Age Histogram with Colors adult.data setwith knime:// protocolblue -> malered -> femalebinned age vs. sex+ countbinning ageautomatically10 binsresortingchange [ into (for sorting purposes in bar chartage vs. # hours per weekcolored by sexworkclass histogrami.e. barchart with counton workclass categoriesbar chartcount in age binsby sexNode 21 File Reader Color Manager Pivoting Auto-Binner Sorter String Manipulation Scatter Plot Bar Chart Bar Chart Row Filter Workflow: Chapter 3/Exercise 3 This is a data visualization exercise.- workclass bar chart no color with Bar Chart node- age histogram with colors with Javascript based Bar Chart node with 10age bins: Female -> red and male -> blue- Scatter plot of age vs. hours/week B/W workclass Bar Chart Age Histogram with Colors adult.data setwith knime:// protocolblue -> malered -> femalebinned age vs. sex+ countbinning ageautomatically10 binsresortingchange [ into (for sorting purposes in bar chartage vs. # hours per weekcolored by sexworkclass histogrami.e. barchart with counton workclass categoriesbar chartcount in age binsby sexNode 21 File Reader Color Manager Pivoting Auto-Binner Sorter String Manipulation Scatter Plot Bar Chart Bar Chart Row Filter


