
20220210 Pikairos consecutive count

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Your Datawith fakeYesConvert Yes to 1and No to 0Your Datawith fakeNoSeparate IntegerNewlyCreated ColumnsSum the # of Times"Yes" (1)Appears alongColumnsConvert Occurencyinto your Required SentencesAppendthe Resulting"Pivot " calledColumnTable Creator String Manipulation(Multi Column) Missing Value Column Splitter Column Aggregator String Manipulation Column Appender Your Datawith fakeYesConvert Yes to 1and No to 0Your Datawith fakeNoSeparate IntegerNewlyCreated ColumnsSum the # of Times"Yes" (1)Appears alongColumnsConvert Occurencyinto your Required SentencesAppendthe Resulting"Pivot " calledColumnTable Creator String Manipulation(Multi Column) Missing Value Column Splitter Column Aggregator String Manipulation Column Appender


