This directory contains 18 workflows.
A metanode is a collection of nodes that handle a process in your pipeline. Metanodes are a great way to stay organized, a reuse sections of your workflow.
This component allows you to generate a list of numbers per your specifications. Congifuration options: Number lower bound - Specify where you would like […]
Data from. File […]
<h5>Chatting with your documents - Method 1</h5><h5>Allow an AI agent select the best text chunks to address the questions.</h5>
Do you have feedback, questions, comments about NodePit, want to support this platform, or want your own nodes or workflows listed here as well? Do you think, the search results could be improved or something is missing? Then please get in touch! Alternatively, you can send us an email to
Please note that this is only about NodePit. We do not provide general support for KNIME — please use the KNIME forums instead.