

This directory contains 18 workflows.

IconMetanode vs. Component vs. Webapp 

A metanode is a collection of nodes that handle a process in your pipeline. Metanodes are a great way to stay organized, a reuse sections of your workflow.

Numbers Generator 

This component allows you to generate a list of numbers per your specifications. Congifuration options: Number lower bound - Specify where you would like […]

IconUsing KNIME Geospatial Nodes to Create an Earthquakes Dashboard (1900 to 2022) 

Data from. https://esri-disasterresponse.hub.arcgis.com/datasets/79461a1ec0974301bde274177c7108bd_0/explore?location=0.383125%2C0.000000%2C2.00. File […]

IconUsing KNIME LLM Nodes for Text Generation and Chat based Information Retrieval (RAG) 

<h5>Chatting with your documents - Method 1</h5><h5>Allow an AI agent select the best text chunks to address the questions.</h5>