
Building Blocks

This directory contains 19 workflows.

IconBB-133 Commoditization v05 

[Building Blocks] BB-133 Commoditization Follows the Commoditization process as Products shift from differentiated to undifferentiated, and the Market […]

IconBB-141 Three Competitors v05 

[Building Blocks] BB-141 Three Competitors Explains why copycat Products often fail. In this Market Simulation the newest Competitor has the lowest […]

IconBB-142 Three Competitors and Three Features v05 

[Building Blocks] BB-142 Three Competitors and Three Features Simulates a Market with three Products, each Product comprising of three […]

IconBB-151 Selling an Inferior Good with Strange Differentiation v05 

[Building Blocks] BB-151 Selling an Inferior Good with Strange Differentiation Strange Differentiation allows inferior Products to successfully sell into […]

IconBB-152 Killing a Profitable Product with Strange Differentiation v05 

[Building Blocks] BB-152 Killing a Profitable Product with Strange Differentiation Chasing new Customers without regard for maintaining existing […]

IconBB-153 Copycat Features and Strange Differentiation v05 

[Building Blocks] BB-153 Copycat Features and Strange Differentiation Simulates a Market suffering from Technology Convergence in which all Competitors […]

IconBB-201 Calculating Price Elasticity v05 

[Building Blocks] BB-201 Calculating Price Elasticity Follows a step-by-step method to manually calculate the Price Elasticity of Demand from the Demand […]

IconBB-202 Calculating a Demand Curve v05 

[Building Blocks] BB-202 Calculating a Demand Curve Follows a step-by-step method to manually calculate a Demand Curve using Flow Variables. This is not […]

IconBB-211 Giffen Goods and Veblen Goods v05 

[Building Blocks] BB-211 Giffen Goods and Veblen Goods Both Giffen Goods and Veblen Goods violate the basic Law of Demand in microeconomics. As the Price […]