
Season 1

This directory contains 39 workflows.

IconChallenge 28 - Left Triangle Star Pattern - Solution 

In this challenge, you will do a little bit of logic building and produce the star triangle below. The output will be such that each row in the pattern […]

IconChallenge 29 - Comparing Distributions between Groups - Solution 

Imagine that you want to compare student test scores to find out whether there are any differences between the students' performances in 2020 (group 1) […]

IconChallenge 3 - CDC Cancer Data - Solution 

You received the 2017 cancer data from the CDC for inspection, and your goal is to answer the following questions: (1) What are the top-5 most frequent […]

IconChallenge 30 - Visualizing KPIs by States - Solution 

For this challenge, you’ll compare the number of foreign students in different German states on a choropleth map of Germany. The output should contain an […]

IconChallenge 31 - Extracting Keywords from a Website - Solution 

What is this delicacy? For this challenge, you'll extract text from a web page, perform a keyword search, and create a tag cloud of the keywords. The […]

IconChallenge 32 - Change Structure of an Excel File - Solution 

A company buys their material from different manufacturers and stores all relevant information in one excel file. In this challenge your goal is to change […]

IconChallenge 33 - Medical Procedure Prices - Solution 

In America the prices of medical procedures can vary greatly, so savvy Americans tend to shop around for a good deal. In this challenge you will take the […]

IconChallenge 34 - Word Scramble - Solution 

One of your tasks at work is to train a model using sentences with the correct word context (i.e., words in a sentence following a meaningful and correct […]

IconChallenge 35 - Linkedin Networks - Solution 

In this challenge we will create a network graph using your LinkedIn data. Here are a few instructions on how to request your LinkedIn data, so that you can […]

IconChallenge 36 - Implementing custom time alignment 

KNIME has just released a new textbook on time series: to celebrate it, we will do a little time series analysis in this challenge. Check out the book (and […]