

This directory contains 7 workflows.


Emil the TeacherBot - Deployment via WebPortal Interface. This workflow deploys a teacher bot. That is: - it displays a textbox for the user to ask a […]


Emil the TeacherBot - Initial Training - Train Document Vector and Random Forest Model. This workflow is part of a number of other workflows that address a […]


Emil the TeacherBot - Class Labels based on Distance Matching between Resource Documents and Forum Questions. - Extract keywords from Resource Documents. - […]


Emil the TeacherBot - Creating a Subset of the Trainingset based on the most Uncertain Predicted Class. This workflow is part of a number of other workflows […]


Emil the TeacherBot - Manual Labeling of the Questions Classified as "Something Else". This workflow is part of a number of other workflows that address a […]


Emil the TeacherBot - WebPortal Interface - Re-Labeling I. This workflow is part of a number of other workflows that address a data mining scenario at the […]


Emil the TeacherBot - Extend Oracle Labels to Trainingset with k-NN. Once we have a subset labelled dataset by the oracle, we need to extend these classes […]