This directory contains 11 workflows.
A Cross-Validation setup is provided by using a Support-Vector-Machine (SVM) as base learning algorithm.
This workflow demonstrates multiobjective subset selection using a genetic algorithm. It reads a (artifical) dataset with coordinates and scores for each […]
This workflow demonstrates the usage of the parameter optimization loop nodes. Two optimization strategies can be specified, exhaustive search or hillclimbing.
This workflow calculates how important each variable is for a correct classification.
This workflow selects subsets of 100 molecules that are both highly active and diverse at the same time.
This workflow shows 2 examples of parameter optimization in a decision tree and in a logistic regression. In the decision tree we optimize the minimum […]
A Cross-Validation setup is provided by using a Support-Vector-Machine (SVM) as base learning algorithm.
This workflow deploys an advanced parameter optimzation protocol with four machine learning methods. In this implementation the choice of features and one […]
This workflow is an example of how to use the Parameter Optimization component. It optimizes the parameter of the adult dataset.
This workflow is an example of how to use the Parameter Optimization component. It optimizes the parameter of the adult dataset.
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