This directory contains 18 workflows.
This component is intended to replace the MarvinSketch node, which is no longer openly available from the December 2020 release on. It is based on the […]
This component takes a column containing biological sequences (DNA/RNA/Protein) and creates a one-hot encoded version of the sequences. Through the […]
The Component uses IDs from several data sources to create an interactive pathway analysis based on the web service of Reactome. The input for the pathway […]
This component performs a query for chemical structure searches using the SMILES notation. The component is based on the RCSB PDB RESTful WebServices. The […]
The PDB Data Extractor component receives PDB IDs as input and fetches additional data about the provided structures like sequences or references to other […]
This component flags input molecules according to the Rapid Elimination of Swill (REOS) filter rules, which are listed below. The expected input is data in […]
This component flags input molecules upon their skin sensitization potential. The SMARTS encoding the potential reactive site and the domain/mechanism are […]
This component determines the effect of genetic variants using Ensembl's Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) via their REST API ( […]
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