

This directory contains 14 workflows.

IconAnalyze Workflow Summary 

This component extracts information from a workflow summary XML file that can be obtained from either the File > Export > Workflow Summary (JSON/XML)… menu […]


This Component automatically trains supervised machine learning models for both binary and multiclass classification. The component is able to automate the […]

IconAutoML (Regression) 

Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) for a Regression Task. This Component can automatically train supervised machine learning models by performing some data […]

Data Lineage View 

This component creates interactive visualizations to provide insights about a selected aspect of a workflow and the flow of data within the workflow. It […]

Dimensionality Reduction (LDA) 

This component reduces the number of columns in the input data by linear discriminant analysis. Linear discriminant analysis is based on separating two or […]

Embed Data Into Workflow 

Component to allow a user to save a data table into the workflow file for easier sharing. This component will %%000091. Take a data table as an […]

Get Versions of Nodes in Workflow 

This component can be added to a workflow to get a unique list of nodes used in the workflow and the version number of a KNIME feature containing those […]

Google URLs Extractor 

This component consumes Google's Custom Search Engine (CSE) API to return search results of a certain keyword. The configuration dialogue requires multiple […]

Optimized K-Means (Silhouette Coefficient) 

This component determines the best number of clusters (k) for k-Means according to the mean silhouette coefficient. The component uses the Parameter […]

Parameter Optimization 

DISCLAIMER: This legacy component only works with random forest and precise parameters names and ranges. If you want to train a different classification […]