
Integrated Deployment and Testing

This directory contains 13 workflows.

Icon01 Development Workflow 

Only some of them have to be put into production. You can capture those segments with integrated deployment workflows and save them with the Workflow Writer […]

Icon02 Modular Application 

It reads the production data and sends it to the workflows that have been captured during development via integrated deployment.

Icon02 Testflow simple - Segment B 

This workflow tests a workflow segment. The table difference finder node provides the differences between the data output by the segment and the golden […]

Icon03 Testflow simple - Segment A 

This workflow tests a workflow segment. The Table Validator node only checks the table structure. The Table Difference Checker and Finder nodes check the […]

Icon04 Automated Test Report 

This is an automated orchestration testflow. It calls all the testflows saved in the Unit Test folder and creates a pdf report with the test results.