
Educational Videos Demo Worfklows

This directory contains 50 workflows.

IconBuild an Interactive Dashboard 

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IconBuild, Execute, and Debug a Loop 

Build, Execute, and Debug a Loop This workflow demonstrates how to use a loop to create a timestamp on the 15th for each month of the year 2023. We start […]

IconConvert String to Date&Time Data Type and Extract Date&Time Fields 

This workflow shows examples of the following operations on date and time values: - converting date and time values from String to Date&Time; - extracting […]

IconCreate and Modify a Component, Create Component Configuration and Composite View 

Create and Modify a Component, Create Component Configuration and Composite View This workflow demonstrates how to - create and modify a component - create […]

IconCreating and Using Flow Variables 

This workflow extracts data for a given country, aggregates it, and renames the aggregated column to the country name. The country name as a flow variable […]

IconData App - Conditional Path 

Deploy this workflow as data app on KNIME Business Hub. In the first page, the user can select which page to show next. The CASE Switch Start node activate […]