

This directory contains 31 workflows.

IconRegression on Text 

Regression on Text Processing terms and categorical values into numeric features for logistic regression.

IconSARIMA Forecast Example 

This workflow demonstrates how the SARIMA components can be used to generate forecasts. In this case for hourly temperature data.


This workflow demonstrates how the SARIMA components can be used to generate forecasts. In this case for daily energy consumption data.


This workflow demonstrates how the SARIMA components can be used to generate forecasts. In this case for hourly temperature data.

IconSimple Text Autocompletion 

Text Autocomplete Simple text autocomplete based on next word frequency from arbitrary documents corpus. TAGS: Text Processing,Autocomplete,Text […]


<p>In summary, I see little autocorrelation in the data. Months are slightly distinct so a SARIMA model with s = 12 could be good. However due to the very […]

IconTime Series Cross Validation 

SARIMA Temperature Forecasting This workflow demonstrates how the SARIMA components can be used to generate forecasts. In this case for hourly temperature […]

IconTypo Correction 

Typo Correction for large dataset Recurssively applies Hierarchical Clustering to a column of string data to correct typos. Recurssion is employed to […]