OpenAI Nodes

Harnessing the potential of language and images to fuel extraordinary possibilities


This log gives an overview of the most prominent changes in each release. Minor fixes, changes “under the hood” and refactoring changes are not listed here. We follow the Semantic Versioning scheme and the guidelines from “Keep a Changelog” as close as possible.

version-2.0.0 (2024-05-14)

Add support for GPT-4o (“o” for “omni”), the new flagship model of OpenAI that can reason across audio, vision, and text in real time.
Add support for Batch API with new nodes List Batches, Create Batch, Retrieve Batch, and Cancel Batch.
Add new node List Fine Tuning Job Checkpoints for listing checkpoints for a fine-tuning job.
Add support for Assistants API v2 (Beta). The Assistants API allows to build AI assistants within an own application. An Assistant has instructions and can leverage models, tools, and files to respond to user queries.
Add support for File Search API (Beta) with new nodes List Vector Stores, Create Vector Store, Get Vector Store, Modify Vector Store, Delete Vector Store, List Vector Store Files, Create Vector Store File, Get Vector Store File, Delete Vector Store File, List Files In Vector Store Batch, Create Vector Store File Batch, Get Vector Store File Batch, and Cancel Vector Store File Batch.
Add new node Delete Message for deleting messages.
Previously deprecated nodes that are no longer supported by the OpenAI API have been removed. The following nodes are not available anymore: Cancel Fine Tune, Create Assistant File, Create Edit, Create Fine Tune, Delete Assistant, Get Assistant File, Get Message File, List Assistant File, List Fine Tune Events, List Fine Tunes, List Message Files, and Retrieve Fine Tune. Please check the API reference for replacements.

version-1.1.0 (2023-12-22)

Add support for the new Assistants API (Beta). The Assistants API is designed to help developers build powerful AI assistants capable of performing a variety of tasks. With support for the Assistants API a lof of new nodes are available to list, create, modify, and delete assistants, threads, messages, and runs.
New node Create Speech to generate audio from input text.
Create Edit: Node is now deprecated.
List Fine Tunes: Node is now deprecated.
Create Edit: Node is now deprecated.
Create Fine Tune: Node is now deprecated.
Retrieve Fine Tune: Node is now deprecated.
Cancel Fine Tune: Node is now deprecated.
List Fine Tune Events: Node is now deprecated.

version-1.0.1 (2023-06-16)

Set higher network timeouts.

version-1.0.0 (2023-06-04)

Initial release.