DeepL Nodes

The World’s Most Accurate and Nuanced Machine Translation for KNIME

Frequently Asked Questions

This page contains answers to our most frequently asked questions. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please get in touch with us.

I need an API Key to use the DeepL Nodes. Where do I get one?

You need to create an DeepL account to use translation services of DeepL. You can subscribe for a free account for DeepL here. A free account already qualifies you to translate 500,000 characters per month. If your demand is higher, DeepL also provides a pro plan with additional features.

I want to run the DeepL Nodes with the free KNIME Analytics Platform. Is there anything to consider?

No. You can use the DeepL Nodes for any purpose on the free KNIME Analytics Platform.

I’m using the DeepL Nodes in a commercial set up with the free KNIME Analytics Platform. Is there anything to consider?

No. You can use the DeepL Nodes for any purpose on the free KNIME Analytics Platform.

I’m using the DeepL Nodes within a customer consulting project or similar for which I charge money, e.g. as a freelancer. Is there anything to consider?

No. You can use the DeepL Nodes for any purpose on the free KNIME Analytics Platform.

In which way are you affiliated with the KNIME AG?

We are not affiliated with the KNIME AG. We deliberately are not a “KNIME Partner”, but an independent company. We strongly believe that only this way we can provide you with the best and most innovative solutions and services and avoid any conflicts of interest which would stem from a coupling with the KNIME AG.

In which way are you affiliated with DeepL SE?

We are not affiliated with DeepL SE. We provide the DeepL Nodes to simplify access from within KNIME to services provided by DeepL SE."

What’s new? Is there a changelog?

Yes. This way please!