There are 24 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Network.
Filters all edges by their number of nodes.
Filters all edges by their weight.
Hides features from the input network. Can be used to convert a directed into an undirected network by filtering the is_target feature.
This filter either bypasses or filters the network elements (nodes/edges) which features match the values of the given data table.
This filter either bypasses or filters the network elements (nodes/edges) that match the given filter value.
Filters all nodes by their degree e.g. number of incoming/outgoing edges.
Filters all nodes by their label.
Filters all objects e.g. edges and nodes by their id.
This node filters all objects (nodes and/or edges) that are member of the selected partition(s).
Creates a hierarchical network from a given property member table.
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