Node Connectivity

There are 120 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Weka 3.7 Classifier.

FLR (3.7) 

Fuzzy Lattice Reasoning Classifier (FLR) v5.0 The Fuzzy Lattice Reasoning Classifier uses the notion of Fuzzy Lattices for creating a Reasoning Environment. […]

HyperPipes (3.7) 

Class implementing a HyperPipe classifier

InputMappedClassifier (3.7) 

Wrapper classifier that addresses incompatible training and test data by building a mapping between the training data that a classifier has been built with […]

OSDL (3.7) 

This class is an implementation of the Ordinal Stochastic Dominance Learner. Further information regarding the OSDL-algorithm can be found in: S

SerializedClassifier (3.7) 

A wrapper around a serialized classifier model

VFI (3.7) 

Classification by voting feature intervals

LogisticBase (3.7) 

Weka LogisticBase (3.7)

BFTree (3.7) 

Class for building a best-first decision tree classifier

DecisionStump (3.7) 

Class for building and using a decision stump

FT (3.7) 

Classifier for building 'Functional trees', which are classification trees that could have logistic regression functions at the inner nodes and/or leaves